Fall 2021 Updates

Six months have passed since we’ve posted any updates, frankly because there’s been nothing concrete to share.

As of our last update in March we were waiting for two things: An updated cost study and data from their community survey. Both of these were completed and presented to the Broadband Taskforce Advisory Group in May. To my knowledge, neither the full reports nor a summary have been shared publicly (despite my repeated requests to BPW and City staff).

So what’s happening? The City and BPW are working behind the scenes to come up with funding plans they can present to Council. At the March study session there was support for a millage. If that ends up being the recommended path, it wouldn’t be on the ballot until sometime next year.

What can we do in the meantime? Don’t let up. Talk to City Council and BPW Board members and tell them you want fiber. Holland also has three contested council seats this November. Find out where the candidates stand and keep the conversation going.

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