Study Session Update

Video from last night’s City Council/BPW Study session has been posted:

It was a very positive meeting, beginning with an update from BPW staff and then moving into discussion.

A year ago, the idea of using a millage to fund infrastructure was at the bottom of the list. Now, we have City Council thinking it is a probable outcome. City Council was generally positive. Good questions came up around how to make service universal and affordable.

As this was a Study Session, nothing was up for a vote. Further discussion, especially around funding, is pending more data. BPW has engaged, CTC to update their 2016 report with new cost projections. They expect a new report in early April.

BPW is moving forward with a new communications plan, with a new blog expected to launch today. They’re also working with the Frost Research Center to survey the community.


  1. The Blog entry is up at

    March 11, 2021 at 5:59 PM

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