New Postcards

A pair of postcards from BPW have been showing up in Fiberhoods 2 & 3 recently.

The first, notifies residents of overhead line construction (similar to notices sent for underground work). That means crews are ready to start putting fiber on poles, typically in back yards.

Postcard Front
Postcard Back

The second, more exciting postcard, indicates actual service hookups are coming soon!

Postcard Front
Postcard Back

It directs you to BPW’s fiber page where Fiberhoods 2 & 3 are listed as “Accepting Applications”. the applications asks for your BPW account number and asks which service tier you’re interested in.

A while after filling it out, I got a nice call from one of the customer service team members at BPW, confirming receipt and estimating it would be 4-6 weeks before install.

I know other Fiberhoods are eagerly awaiting progress. I don’t have any inside information, but I do see that Fiberhood 5 (Rosa Park Zone) has switched to “Under Construction” on BPW’s map.


  1. When will my fiber rate go down from $85, down to something reasonable?

    randolph dubay
    Randolph Dubay
    April 16, 2024 at 3:49 PM
  2. Randolph, $85 is pretty low compared with most of the country, but yes, the new rates will come to existing customers too.

    From my talks with BPW, it sounds like residents on the “Shared Gigabit” plan ($85 for 1 Gbps) will get switched to the Holland City Fiber Service ($45 for 2 Gbps) around July 1 (BPW’s fiscal year).

    April 16, 2024 at 4:06 PM

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