Construction Update

Construction for Holland City Fiber is officially kicking off this week. BPW has spent the last few months working with their contractors to do a ton of planning, and they’re ready to break ground.

While they don’t expect to hook up customers until this summer, residents may see crews working around town.

Equipment, much of it ordered early, has been arriving throughout the year and is ready to go.

BPW Broadband team members Bill and Pete pose with supplies.
BPW Broadband team members Bill and Pete pose with supplies.
Stacks of supplies at BPW
Stacks of supplies at BPW

This fall, postcards and pamphlets started appearing around town with more information:

Construction Information brochure - Side 1
Construction Information brochure - Side 1
Construction Information brochure - Side 2
Construction Information brochure - Side 2

While we don’t have official word of where construction will happen, and when, we do have this map that was in a December report:

Fiberhood map
Fiberhood Map

This shows the city divided up into the different “Fiberhoods”, or nodes in the network. My guess is that the numbers will roughly correspond to the order of construction, beginning with the high density downtown areas and ending with the lower density areas south of US-31.

You can find your Fiberhood on BPW’s website and tell them you’re interested in signing up.

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