How & When to Vote

August 2. You’ve heard it. That’s this coming Tuesday!

So when and where can you vote?

1. Vote Early

Anyone can vote early in Michigan by visiting the City Clerk’s office.

City Hall is open Saturday, July 30 (tomorrow!) from from 7:00 am – 3:00 pm.

They’re also open Monday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.

You just show up and ask for a ballot. You can take it home, or fill it out right there. If you take it home, return it to the drop box outside City Hall. Don’t risk the mail. Put it in the box. ASAP.

2. Vote On Tuesday

Polls are open 7:00 am – 8:00 pm. You can find your polling place on the City’s website.

Ward/Precinct Map

Remind your Friends

It is very easy to forget to vote, especially in a primary. The way to get Holland City Fiber is to show up. Every vote is super important in this election. Don’t take a single one for granted. Make a plan, tell your friends and family, and make sure all of you vote!

Full election details are on the City’s website

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