Message from a Resident

Hi everyone,

Thanks to Daniel, we have all been educated regarding the fiber millage. However, that isn’t going to get us to the likely voters we need to reach. It’s time for action that comes from finances.

I’ve received at least 4 mailers plus the Facebook ad from (well, you know). We would like to put out at our own advertisements before August 1. How can we do that?

We need to reach $10,000. We have seed money of $1350 from 9 donors already. Daniel tells me there 750 people on this list. If each of you who is willing can give $15, we can get moving tomorrow. I know it’s hard to imagine giving money to a political campaign. I used to find the idea a bit off-putting. In the last 5 years, I’ve been involved in two skirmishes with the city and now this election. I found out that money does count and money moves votes. I’ve donated. Will you donate as well.

Would you consider donating to our cause today? If we don’t get it done in the next 48–72 hours, we are putting our hopes on BPW education, but not citizen action. Please help, today.

If you have any questions, please email Yes, I actually live and pay taxes in Holland city. ;-)

Dan Ackerman
22 Bellwood Dr.
Holland 49423

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