Protect Holland Taxpayers is Comcast in Disguise

Meme featuring Fred from Scooby Doo, pulling off the mask of Protect Holland Taxpayers and revealing Comcast

Public filings prove today what we already suspected: Protect Holland Taxpayers is just Comcast in disguise.

The group is funded by the Michigan Cable Telecommunications Association and directly by Comcast.

Comcast/Xfinity is pretending that they’re some local, grassroots group. They are not. They’re not local. They’re not residents. They’re not grassroots. They’re Comcast.

But they’re everywhere. Spending money on on social media, radio ads, text messages, and large mailers. Your friends and neighbors are getting these, even if you’re not. Talk to them. Spread the word. The locals want fiber and are voting Yes on August 2.

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