Get a Yard Sign

Ready to show your support for Holland City Fiber? Then sign up for a yard sign!

Stick one in your yard and remind your friends & neighbors to vote on August 2.

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Go a step further and support printing these signs with a $5 or $10 contribution.

Or give a bigger donation to help our marketing efforts.


  1. Thank you for spreading the word to the public about the August 2 vote on fiber for our city. This is a great opportunity for our community to have access to amazing speed at a reasonable cost. Many people work from home and this fast internet speed will help accomodate more to do so. My only concern is for those who cannot afford to pay for this service and how it will impact them financially, but the annual cost per home is low and will be paid for over many years. No one is required to sign up for the monthly service.

    We need to spread the positive word, as the internet is a necessary utility that almost all need and use. High speed fiber will be another reason to attract others to live and start a business in Holland.

    June 22, 2022 at 2:01 AM

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