Governor's Race Starts Talking Broadband

The Michigan Governor’s race is in full swing, and candidates are starting to talk about broadband.

Tonight, Democratic candidate Abdul El-Sayed released his “Internet for All” plan. It is a pretty detailed plan to get all Michigan residents high-speed broadband, with a large emphasis on publicly-owned networks like we’re building in Holland.

The Holland Fiber team doesn’t endorse candidates (we come from the full spectrum of political backgrounds) but we’re interested to see if this will become an issue in the race for Governor.

El-Sayed’s Democratic primary opponent Gretchen Whitmer mentions broadband in her infrastructure plan though doesn’t get into as many details yet.

On the Republican side, I haven’t yet seen any plans that address broadband. I hope this is a bipartisan issue, and we can start to discuss the merits of competing plans.

I look forward to seeing more, from more candidates. Broadband access is still something that doesn’t exist in many parts of Michigan. Choice is lacking in others. I’m happy to see it start to be an issue in 2018.

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