Ottawa County Studies Broadband

Ottawa County is beginning a Broadband Initiative to look at the current state of broadband availability and plan for the future.

You can help by filling out this survey to help the county collect data.

The County is working with Connect Michigan, a non-profit that works with the Michigan Public Service Commission. They have done similar studies in many other counties in Michigan.

This project in Ottawa County is mainly focused on research, with some possible future planning to happen at a later date. This is not the County ensuring everyone will have broadband. It is merely the start of a process to better understand the lay of the land.

Here in the City of Holland, we are still working to get Holland BPW to bring fiber to every home and business. In other parts of Ottawa County, there’s a mix of cable, DSL, other fiber providers, and wireless providers where none of these others go.

This is your chance to let broadband developers really know how you feel about your current broadband service, or lack thereof. Filling out this survey will inform the broadband development community in greater detail, allowing them to identify needs and (hopefully) respond accordingly.

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