Downtown Heads for Approval

This week is the week we’ve been waiting for for Downtown progress! Don’t get too excited, though, we still have some waiting to do.


Two important meetings are today’s BPW Special Meeting and Wednesday’s City Council/BPW Joint Study Session. Both meetings will move the Downtown project forward, but we also get lots of new, finalized information.

Service Pricing

We now know BPW’s planned rates for service for businesses and residences downtown:

$85/month for 1,000 Mbps (1 Gigabit)
$220/month for 1,000 Mbps (1 Gigabit)

The higher tier is the same speed, but has additional features:

  • Static IP Addresses
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Enhanced reliability
  • Priority Restoration

Businesses will be able to use whichever tier is better for them.

An exciting additional rate is for Multi-Dewlling Units (MDUs). A building will be able to hook up 10 additional tenants for $10/month/tenant.

Open Access

BPW is creating an open access network. That means, while they will be an ISP, other ISPs could use this new GPON network too (just like their to today for their more expensive Active Ethernet services).

Wholesale rates (transit only) come in two speed tiers: 100 Mbps and 1,000 Mpbs (1 Gigabit):

$40/month for 100 Mpbs
$60/month for 1,000 Mpbs (1 Gigabit)
$140/month for 1,000 Mpbs (1 Gigabit) plus the enhanced features above

So any ISP can offer internet service, TV, phone, etc. over that same connection and they pay a lower wholesale rate. As a customer, you’d only deal with your ISP, not BPW.

What happens next?

This week’s meetings sets wheels in motion for hooking up all of Downtown. By setting rates for this new ISP service, there’s pontential for going wider. However, we still have to get Downtown complete.

The City needs to pass a new ordinance to allow BPW to become an ISP. This process requires a public hearing which (to give time for proper notice) will be July 9. Downtown will happen, but to get through the municiple hurdles takes time. I expect new downtown installations to begin in Sepetember.

The board packet for tonight’s BPW meeting has all the info including the proposed ordinance.

Even though the process takes time, this is an exciting time, and it seems like things are finally moving. When can you have BPW fiber at your house? We still don’t know that, but keep telling them and City leaders you want it!


  1. This is great news to hear about the possibility to finally get a much better source of internet to Holland and possibly the surrounding areas. As you mention about letting ISPs use the fiber system to give the same service to their customers. What if we DO NOT WANT our current ISP? I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rather dump them completely and get the out of the way for a much better provider that will not cap total usage, throttle my speed during “peak traffic” hours, or just plainly up my rate because I happen to be a long time customer. So I encourage you to consider the possibility to be your own ISP for customers. I am sure hundreds if not thousands of Charter and Comcast customer would love to drop their terrible customer service and options for some one who is actually trying to make a better faster and more reliable internet without the shady deals and practices. Please email me with a response I would love to hear from the Holland Fiber group.

    May 23, 2017 at 12:45 AM
  2. The Multi Dwelling Unit Rate Option seems very attractive and appears to be geared towards apartment buildings with tenants. I wonder if the BPW has considered a special rate for Multi Unit condominium buildings multi-story and townhouse style.

    May 23, 2017 at 4:20 PM
  3. The Multi Dwelling Unit Rate Option seems very attractive and appears to be geared towards apartment buildings with tenants. I wonder if the BPW has considered a special rate for Multi Unit condominium buildings multi-story and townhouse style.

    May 23, 2017 at 4:23 PM

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