Downtown Happenings

Fiber in downtown Holland keeps getting closer. Holland BPW is in the final days of the engineering phase and should initial schematics this week. The next step is to put out a bid packet to actually run fiber to each downtown building. We expect to see that released at the end of March and be open for around 4 weeks.

After the bids come back, there are additional steps such as BPW Board and City Council approval. BPW is targeting a summer install and having an operational network in the fall.

Our team continues to talk with BPW, the City, and stakeholders to help make this a reality. We don’t want to stop with downtown; we want this to be the start of a much larger project.

Learning Events

If you’d like to hear more about the downtown project, BPW is hosting a public meeting Monday, March 13, from 7:00-8:30 PM at the Herrick District Library on River Ave. Come talk to BPW, hear what’s happening, and get your questions answered.

Holland Young Professionals will be talking fiber at their Breakfast of Champions event Thursday, March 16th. Free registration is required.

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