Where is BPW's Fiber?

Holland BPW has a new map that shows where all of their fiber is today.

This existing infrastructure is one of the big reasons why Holland is a great place for fiber broadband. Let’s leverage what we already have!


  1. Dan, can you please let me know how I can get hooked up to the fiber? The map shows it passing directly in front of my home business on Lakewood Blvd in Park Township. Thank you

    jeff king
    Jeff King
    December 20, 2016 at 5:48 PM
  2. This fiber optic map gives a general view of where there is fiber. Unfortunately, it is not always easy (read cost effective) to get connected to it. The fiber on Lakewood, for example, travels for miles with no connection points.

    You can think of it much like a river - Sometimes you need to travel quite a way to find a bridge to cross. Our hope is to add more connection points that would allow us to get you, and all of our community, on high speed fiber.

    We released the fiber map to build excitement for broadband development within our community. Your note suggests it’s working! Thanks for your interest, and we truly hope to, some day, enhance broadband services in your neighborhood.

    December 20, 2016 at 8:09 PM

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