I had the pleasure tonight of meeting with Laketown Township residents who are supporting the May 3 millage to build a fiber optic network.
This millage will cover running a great fiber network to each and every home in the township. They’ll then contract with an ISP to provide high-speed service at low prices.
Many Laketown residents don’t have any access to high-speed internet. Some use slow satellite connections, and others try cellular cards (with terrible data caps), while others aren’t reached by cell service either. This is a great opportunity for Laketown to leapfrog most of the nation in speed and reliability.
Follow their progress on their Facebook page and website.
Have questions? Want to help? Email us: info@hollandfiber.org and talk about #HollandFiber.
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How/where can we get one of the yard signs to support the fiber millage?
You can contact me and I will make sure you get a sign Laura.
If you are on Facebook you can message me on our Laketown fiber optic YES page also.
Is it just basic TV or will there be more choices.
Is it just basic TV or will there be more choices? Also will the phone service be the same as charter for long distance,caller id? Will I need cable boxes & at what price per box? Will there be like fcc, franchise,broadcast fee’s? To me there is not enough information to vote yes.
Is it just basic service or will there be additional options available, i.e. my current Charter options. ? Will I need to lease or purchase cable boxes for additional HD & Channel options. If so , what is the cost for each box? Require more cost information regarding the total package and options etc.