Laketown Fiber Optic YES!

I had the pleasure tonight of meeting with Laketown Township residents who are supporting the May 3 millage to build a fiber optic network.

This millage will cover running a great fiber network to each and every home in the township. They’ll then contract with an ISP to provide high-speed service at low prices.

Many Laketown residents don’t have any access to high-speed internet. Some use slow satellite connections, and others try cellular cards (with terrible data caps), while others aren’t reached by cell service either. This is a great opportunity for Laketown to leapfrog most of the nation in speed and reliability.

Follow their progress on their Facebook page and website.


  1. How/where can we get one of the yard signs to support the fiber millage?

    laura judge
    Laura Judge
    April 08, 2016 at 1:52 PM
  2. You can contact me and I will make sure you get a sign Laura.
    If you are on Facebook you can message me on our Laketown fiber optic YES page also.

    April 08, 2016 at 2:16 PM
  3. Is it just basic TV or will there be more choices.

    terry james
    Terry James
    April 13, 2016 at 11:28 AM
  4. Is it just basic TV or will there be more choices? Also will the phone service be the same as charter for long distance,caller id? Will I need cable boxes & at what price per box? Will there be like fcc, franchise,broadcast fee’s? To me there is not enough information to vote yes.

    terry james
    Terry James
    April 13, 2016 at 12:06 PM
  5. Is it just basic service or will there be additional options available, i.e. my current Charter options. ? Will I need to lease or purchase cable boxes for additional HD & Channel options. If so , what is the cost for each box? Require more cost information regarding the total package and options etc.

    steve nyland
    Steve Nyland
    April 28, 2016 at 1:18 PM

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