BPW Plan to Go Before City Council

On Friday, we got our first peek at Holland BPW’s newest study of Fiber to the Home. The 118-page document will be officially presented to the BPW Board and Holland City Council this Wednesday (March 30th) during a joint Study Session.

The document has a lot of information (especially on the engineering side) but doesn’t make clear exactly what path forward the Holland BPW is proposing. We hope to get clarification in the days ahead.

If you’d like to attend the Study Session, it is Wednesday 5:30 PM and the report is scheduled to be presented at 6:05 PM. This is a study session for the BPW Board and City Council, so there won’t be time for public comment (that would happen at a later meeting).


  1. This is a Special Meeting not a Study Session, the Study Session is at 7pm. The agenda link that you have provided clearly indicates that public comments can be made at 5:30.

    ryan bosscher
    Ryan Bosscher
    March 29, 2016 at 9:23 PM
  2. @Ryan Bosscher: Yes, there is time for public comment at the beginning. If things move forward, for example if the BPW wants to become an ISP, there would be a future Public Hearing which would be the time for full public involvement. This will mostly be an informational presentation. Big decisions, if any, will come later with all the process that is required by law.

    I would encourage the public to attend, but this is a time for City Council and the BPW Board to be informed. Public Hearings are a later stage, where there will be much more time for public input on this specific issue. As it is, there are many big issues before the Council tomorrow, this is just one informational portion of the agenda.

    March 29, 2016 at 11:12 PM

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