BPW Residential Customer Survey (Updated with Link)

Update: The survey is available here until February 26.

Example survey questionsExample survey questions

Holland BPW is emailing residential customers a link to a survey.

For a subset of respondents, they ask questions at the very end (if you opt-in) about broadband.

Please fill it out and make your voice heard!


  1. If this is an example of one of the questions, this isn’t a well designed survey question. It’s very vague. What does “fast” mean. The answers will be different if this means 60 Mbps versus if we’re talking about 1 Gbps. Should be specific concerning the speed being suggested.

    kris boultbee
    Kris Boultbee
    February 02, 2016 at 2:15 PM
  2. Would this service be only available to current BPW electric customers?

    February 02, 2016 at 2:20 PM
  3. R Davis, that’s one of many unanswered questions, but I do know that if you have BPW electric and/or water, you probably have fiber nearby. They don’t have to limit it to that area, but that’s where it would probably start.

    February 02, 2016 at 2:34 PM

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