Pilot Project Update

Holland BPW is almost ready to kick of a 3-month pilot program in Downtown Holland.

Fiber installation happened a couple weeks ago, and BPW is waiting on trial equipment to hook it up. We hope to have everything up and running in early January.

The three buildings are:

  • 44 E 8th Street (Riverview Building)
  • 31 E 8th Street (Lokers)
  • 61 E 9th Street (Lemonjello’s Coffee)

Google Map Downtown Holland, MI

The first two are multi-tenant buildings, so the pilot will simulate a neighborhood. BPW will lease a 1 Gigabit line to the Internet, and all pilot participants will share.

So what are the goals of a trial? For BPW, they get to test equipment from 2 different vendors in real-world situations. It also gives time while BPW finalizes their business plan and pricing.

The public will have opportunities to test the system too. We’ll keep you posted!

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