City Council Poised to Take Action

This Wednesday (October 21st), Holland City Council will take action to make fiber to the home a reality!

They’ll vote to authorize a contractor to conduct an engineering survey and formalize a business plan. This is a big next step into Holland BPW becoming an ISP. By January, we should have the results which will allow for community rollout to be planned during the Spring.

This is just one step in a long process, but BPW and City Council are making great progress. Read the BPW Recommendation and view the City Council Agenda for more info.


  1. Providing fiber connections to the home will improve the quality of life and increase the value of all houses in the city and enhance the appeal of Holland even more. Please do this

    tim staal
    Tim Staal
    October 20, 2015 at 2:16 PM

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